Kinbrae present ‘Memory Loop’, a new radio show on Tak Tent that explores their relationship to place through sound.

Each episode will feature new music composed especially for the show, plus field recordings and tracks from other artists the twins love. Together they will use all of these elements to explore how people interact with the spaces around them, how these places can impact mental wellbeing and the memories that can be built around the landscapes we inhabit.

This is designed to be an ongoing meditative and explorative project with shows to be broadcast on an unstructured timeline. The brothers aim to also release limited run EP and photography accompaniments to these shows via Bandcamp as the project progresses.

Field recs – North East Fife, River Tay etc – Andy Truscott
Kinbrae – Memory Loop #1 – Home
Andrea Belfri – Pastorale
Lea Bertucci – An Arc of the Horizon
Taylor Dupree – mil
Kinbrae – Memory loop #2 – Habitat

Kinbrae – Memory Loop #1

Limited Edition Cassette with 35mm Photography Booklet

Ltd edition cassette and 24 page zine of 35mm photography released via Bandcamp Friday, 7th June 2024..

The project examines how people interact with the spaces around them and how the landscapes we inhabit can impact our lives and shape our memories.

This cassette/zine is the first of a series of releases we’ll put out over the upcoming months that ties in to the radio project we’re doing with Tak Tent Radio.

Available here Memory Loop #1 | K I N B R A E (

Recorded, produced & mixed by @andy_truscott
Mastered by @talvihorros
Cassette artwork layout design by @mushaboom__
Photography: @andy_truscott