The latest Skylarking mix is a 2 hour feast of mostly electronica, the first hour being older tunes and the second hour newer ones hence the oh so clever title of Old Roots New Shoots. I hope you dig this Skylarking groove!
Skylarking – Stranger Darling
This weeks is an odd one, I started with some long tunes, each over 10 minutes long and as I pondered what might link them together as a mix I went out for the evening to catch a screening of the new film Strange Darling at my local cinema in Arbroath. I enjoyed it so much I managed to cherry picked soundbites from it and scattered them throughout the mix and funnily enough, it worked! So I call this oddball selection Stranger Darlings, I hope you dig it.
Zadagan Keep – Winter Chill
A Christmas ambient extravaganza monster mix by The Ephemeral Man, lots of ambient and chill out music from mostly independent labels, interspersed with samples from two classic Christmas films: Gremlins and Die Hard. Includes glistening wonders by Fragile X, Tangerine Dream, Letters from Mouse, Polypores and Onepointtwo.