Neil Dargie returns with the Rope Factory for another hour of beats, grooves, soundscapes and general tuneful goodies.
1. Michael Marra – Frida Kahlo’s Visit to the Taybridge Bar
Posted Sober (Inner City Sound Records, 2000)
2. Sparkle Division – Oh No You Did Not!
To Feel Embraced (Temporary Residence, 2020)
3. Misha Paniflov Sound Combo – Moonscape Waltz
Days As Echoes (Fnr, 2020)
4. Mary Lattimore – Silver Ladders
Silver Ladders (Ghostly International, 2020)
5. Delia Derbyshire – Blue Veils and Golden Sands
BBC Radiophonic Workshop – BBC Radiophonic Music (BBC Radio Enterprises, 1968)
6. Neil Young – Kansas
Homegrown (Reprise, 2020)
7. Roberto Musci, Giovanni Venosta – Nexus on the Beach
Water Messages On Desert Sand (Recommended Records, 1987)
8. Roy Ayers – Painted Desert
Ubiquity (Polydor, 1970)
9. Goldmund – Day In Day Out
The Time It Takes (Western Vinyl, 2020)
10. Autechre- esc desc
Sign (Warp, 2020)
11. TBZ – Track 1
Bonus EP (Not On Label, 2020)
12. Lumpen Nobleman – Error I (Joe Howe Remedy)
Errors and Remedies (Extra Normal Records, 2020)
13. Foodman – Kachikachi
DOKUTSU (Highball Records, 2020)
14. Leadbelly – Lining Track
Leadbelly Sings Folk Songs (Folkways Records, 1962)
15. A Vision of Panorama – Heartbeat