Sunken Paths 3 is here to wrap you in a woolen auditory blanket and pass you a thermos of Winter Solstice whiskey-laced sounds from somewhere altogether elsewhere (or something like that). Casting the net a little wider, we have some previously unfeatured labels and self-releases, alongside a few (hopefully now) slightly more familiar imprints. You can even have some fun playing ‘spot some of the members of British Sea Power’ as you wander atop the crips paths. Proost! Darren.
Darren J Holloway – Sunken Paths Part II
Sunken Paths Part 2 sees Darren venturing further in the sonic woodlands, taking in sounds from experimentations with theremins, through gentle ambient textures, mournful yet uplifting neufolk tales and ethereal high-pagan church rock, before getting lost down an electro-hauntology fork and ending up somewhere in Dutch Punkland. Can this be pulled off in the space of an hour? We’ll let you decide.