For this, my 10th outing on this fine radio station, I’ve come up with a mix that is in part inspired by an email conversation I had recently with the lovely Matt Shenton (there are no birds here), over a virtual French Fancy and a glass of Tesco (other brands are available) Special Reserve Scotch. We were talking about music that feels like it has a sense of longing, so here are 11 tracks that, for me, evoke that sense beautifully. 

Thou Shalt Seek Me in the Morning… – Missionary Work /

For Edna – Damselfly /

Fire on the Water, Smoke in the Sky – Camp of Wolves /

Nightswimming – Celestial North /

The High Clouds of June – the German Ocean /

Public; Domain – Requiem & Simon McCcorry /

Mammuck – there are no birds here /

If I Could Meet You Again for the First Time – Giants of Discovery /

Jewels (Part One) – Eureka Creek /

2X-2L [unredacted] – The Wyndham Research Institute /

…And I Shall Not Be – Missionary Work /